fine art and prints

by LH

covered eyes and feathers

shop prints

All prints available in A6 postcard format, A3 and A4. More sizes available on request, depending on the artwork.

light bearer
lord fungus

sometimes a story is just that: a story.

of golden hair and shiny armor, of salvation before the flowers of good and evil, of one’s last breath before the sound of the wind against a blade.

at the end of the universe, when the stars swallow the darkness, everything will be full of light. everything will be quiet. in the blink of an eye the world will be filled with brightness and warmth - and then it will be over.

but there will be no salvation.                               sometimes a story is just a story.

form. texture. light.

a story of the faceless

some parts of this site are still under construction. bear with me, there will be more.

ivory is the color of the song of happiness. on a piano, each ivory key is a note, and the next, and the next, with the space between two notes being just enough to sound .. right. upbeat, alive. in many cultures ivory is seen as pure and beautiful due to the way it reflects the light when polished; and it is considered precious because it’s rare.

or is it?